I added some commentary to this YouTube video. Also you receive another achievement for completing this level.
It seems too often that the people writing the reviews didn’t really play the game. The reviews too often read like the back of the box and the images come right off the manufactures website. These reviews are of games I have played and enjoyed.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Monday, November 5, 2012
SpaceChem Walkthrough Sikutar: Unknown Sender
I decided to record my redo of this level. Now you can see why it's taking so long for me to post these. I am never happy with my levels and feel I must always tweak hoping for better times. I hope you enjoy the video. I decided to introduce my buddy Larry to SpaceChem.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
City of Steam (CoS) Closed Beta Coming
What is City of Steam? It's a steam punk themed, browser based MMO. Don't let the "browser based" scare you away. I played two of the four alpha tests and was amazed at how detailed and complex the city was. The graphics are great and it plays in full screen!
I haven't been playing a lot of games this last while because I have been modeling random things for my CoS company Von Foust Industries (VFI). Here is my official release of each product... I had fun modeling them and I hope you enjoy them as well.
I have video of me running through the tutorial but I have seen several other videos on YouTube showing it as well. Because of this I don't plan on posting mine. However here is the official CoS YouTube channel... http://www.youtube.com/user/TheCityofSteam
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
SpaceChem Walkthrough Alkonost - Going Green
I tried a few different ways with four reactors but finally gave up and went with five. The levels are getting harder...
Monday, September 3, 2012
SpaceChem Walkthrough Alkonost - No Thanks Necessary
Here is the fastest time I could find using four reactors. I couldn't figure out how to do it with three.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Review of Bejeweled 3
I don't think this game requires an introduction, nearly everyone has played some form of Bejeweled. What makes Bejeweled 3 better? I'll give three reasons.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
SpaceChem Walkthrough Alkonost - An Introduction to Sensing
This level starts off the Alkonost planet as well as introduces a new command for the waldos.
This new feature allows a branch off of the path if a predefined element crosses over it.
Again I went for best time over fewer symbols. Also I'll note once more that these are the best times I can find and not necessarily the best possible times.
Originally I did this using only the red and then came back and added the blue track as well. I tried for over an hour to get the two in sync without actually using a sync but finally had to give in and place a sync symbol.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
SpaceChem Walkthrough Danopth - A Most Unfortunate Malfunction
This level doesn't show statistics so I guess the goal is simply to save the day.
SpaceChem Walkthrough Danopth - In-Place Swap
Monday, June 4, 2012
East Coast Gaming Conference 2012 - Review
My son wants to make games when he grows up. Since I work for a reseller of Autodesk software, I have hooked him up with 3ds Max and Mudbox. I also gave him the curriculum from Autodesk's student website. students.autodesk.com However it always seems more fun to play the games than actually work at learning the software used in creating them. With his grades slowing dropping as the school year progressed, I decided to try to find something that would spark some interest and push him into actually spending some time with Max and focusing on school work again.
My first thought was to take him through a college that offers some game design majors. While poking around on the web I happened across ECGC's website about a month before the event date. Registration was $105 per person. It sounded a lot like Autodesk University which is a blast. Several days of lectures given by professionals in the industry to others in, or looking to get into, the industry. The exhibit hall was always a major highlight as well. Having given lectures at Autodesk University for several years now I thought it would be exciting to be on the receiving side of something like that.
The first thing I needed to check was if there was an age limit. I clicked the Contact Us link and asked if there was an age limit and if this was something that would be appropriate for an 8th grader. I really didn't expect a response other than something automated. Surprise surprise! Not only did I get a response, it came in form of a phone call. I had a 15 minute call with Troy Knight. He listened to everything I was concerned about then offered some advice on what classes we should attend. I also learned that he works with Tim Castle, an old co-worker of mine who used to work in our Raleigh office.
That settled it, we were going. I requested some vacation time, cleared it with my son's school, and booked a hotel. I also talked my buddy Larry into going as well. Not that it took a lot of talking....... ok, so that clears up why two guys and a older kid are at a conference for professionals.
We decided we would say our titles were "End Users" if asked what we do. Click the link to read the rest.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
SpaceChem Walkthrough Danopth - Nothing Works
This is your second chance at winning a challenge. Beat this level in 1000 cycles is the challenge.
This is taking far longer than I had planned. There are a lot of levels and each level get more and more complex. Well that and I keep trying to better my times on past levels instead of working on the rest of the game. So far Steam shows that I have 51 hours in this game. I still have three entire planets that I haven't even started yet! Talk about worth every penny!