Sunday, April 29, 2012

SpaceChem Walkthrough Danopth - Settling into the Routine

Danopth - Settling into the Routine

This is your first chance at winning one of the challenges. You only have to beat the level to win this challenge but its the first of 12 achievements the game offers.



Danopth - Settling into the Routine






Saturday, April 28, 2012

Eufloria - Review

This game was a wonderful surprise. I love real time strategy games. The fact that this was an RTS was the main reason I bought it. Well that and the fact that it was 50% off on Steam. So I took a chance on an odd looking game and I've been in love ever since. When asked to describe it I usually start with Beautiful. Followed quickly with Relaxing, Easy to play but Hard to master, and finally Unique.

Beautiful - Relaxing - Easy to Play - Hard to Master - Unique

Official Eufloria Trailer

According to Steam I have played this game 37 hours. I'm never really sure how accurate those numbers are. Does that include time spent playing offline? Either way I have spent a good bit of time in this game. I have beat the game and I was halfway through the Dark Matter storyline when I reformatted... So now I'm running through from the beginning again just so I can beat the game. What does that tell you about this game?

Something else that is unique about this game is it only requires a mouse or a touch screen. I have been plugging my laptop into the tv and playing from the sofa. The downside to this is I keep falling asleep. The music is so soothing and relaxing. It goes perfectly with the beautiful art throughout the storyline.

According to the story, we are planting trees on asteroids. These trees produce little seedlings that can be used to fight other invading nations of seedlings. I like to think of the planets as Atoms and I'm fighting viruses inside a body. 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

SpaceChem Walkthrough Danopth - Split Before Bonding

Danopth - Split Before Bonding

This is the first level that requires both positive and negative bonds in the same reactor. There is a HUGE step down in the cycle counts but I can't figure it out. 198 is the best I can come up with.


Danopth - Split Before Bonding


Friday, April 20, 2012

Brick-Force Closed Beta Review

I put Closed Beta in the title because I plan to review this game again once its released. There is a lot of content already but from the looks of things a lot more is on the way. What do I mean by more? Well Open Beta starts on April 26th and will have two new fighting modes. One of them will allow building and fighting AT THE SAME TIME!

If you want to skip my little banter and jump right into viewing the game check out this video.

Tutorial and a few levels.
There is a lot more to this review. Click the link for the rest.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

SpaceChem Walkthrough Danopth - It Takes Three

Danopth - It Takes Three

imageI had fun with the play through video on the last level and decided to do it again. Coming back to this level I see I moved on with a cycle time of 561. In the video you can watch me work that cycle count down to 176!


Danopth - It Takes Three

This is my final solution. It results in 176 cycles.image

Monday, April 9, 2012

SpaceChem Walkthrough Danopth - Every Day is the First Day

Danopth - Every Day is the First Day

For the start of Danopth (World 3) I decided to do something different. As you can see from the first image below, I have a total time of 211. However there is a significant step down in time on the Elapsed Cycles chart. What's different about this one? I deleted everything and started over as I work for that new lower time. Oh and I recorded the entire rebuild. It ended up taking me 25 minutes so I sped most of the video to +250%.


Danopth - Every Day is the First Day - Play through

This was my original time of 211 cycles

This is my new solution with a time of 155 cycles... see final image.


Friday, April 6, 2012

Thursday, April 5, 2012

SpaceChem - W2-L5

Sernimir IV - There's Something in the Fishcake

Now that we are starting to get into some real levels I decided to start adding some commentary and showing the steps I used working up to my final results.


Sernimir IV - There's Something in the Fishcake

image  image

SpaceChem - W2-L4

Sernimir IV - An Introduction to Pipeline

This one really isn't necessary but I decided to post EVERY level.



Wednesday, April 4, 2012

SpaceChem - W2-L3

Sernimir IV - Multiple Outputs


Sernimir IV - Multiple Outputs


SpaceChem - W2-L2

Sernimir IV - Best Left Unanswered

This is the first triple bonding level.


Sernimir IV - Best Left Unanswered


A Roundup of Online April Fools' Day Jokes

I included an image of each link to help you pick and choose which ones you want to take the time looking into. Some of the links will die with time and the pages are pulled.

Google Maps 8-bit now for NES April Fools Joke

image  image


3D Mode for League of Legends

image  image

Bloodline Champions - New Tournament Sponsor!


Rise of Immortals - New Character Karapyss


Click the Read More link for many more...

Monday, April 2, 2012

Wolf Team Case Study 2 - How Much Better Does AP Make Your Character?

In case study 2 we ran a series of four tests. We played two matches of 4 vs. 4 with no AP and the two players with the best kd ratio took part in the next three tests. That ended up being Tyrell and myself. The next test was a no AP match between to two of us to set a bench mark. We were pretty much tied up till the last shot Tryell beat me. You can watch that match here. I tried to cut out any dead video so the video is a little choppy.

No AP 1 vs. 1 Stan vs. Tyrell

The next test involved Tyrell and I taking turns using an AP character. (Test 3) We wrapped us this case study with a final game. (Test 4)   1 AP and 1 Basic vs. 3 Basic

StanvsTyrell  TyrellvsStan  AP VS ALL

Test 3 and 4


The Results Are In!

Because of the two point bonus a player receives when killing a point leader the point count kind of evens out as the game goes on in a 1 vs. 1 game. However I will include the points in the results here anyway. Just keep in mind this is point/death ratio NOT kill/death ratio.


Lots of charts but what does it all mean?

Chart 1 shows both Tyrell and I playing with NO AP. Our average P/D ratio... 23.5/15

Chart 2 and 3 shows us both taking turns using AP. The AP users average P/D ratio was 20/9.5 However the user playing against the AP had his ratio drop to 16.5/19

Chart 4 puts AP in with four non AP users and the AP ratio climbed again to 25/13 but the average basic players stayed close to chart one of 15/16image

Listed here is only the deaths in all of the matches. HEY!!! I was red in match one and lost but I had 4 fewer deaths! I HATE that two point bonus! It makes no sense for matches with only a few players.


If you only look at the deaths, since the points mean little in a 1 vs. 1 game, you can see only a small difference if your in a full match with only one AP user. Only one death difference over ten minutes. However head to head that one death difference turns into a four death difference over ten minutes of average game play.

If you see AP players watch their routes and stay away from them. Let the other AP players take care of them. What I see over and over is the same player running the same route over and over. Getting all upset over some AP player running against him in the same lane. If you keep meeting them face to face you will die on average 4 MORE TIMES PER 10 MINUTES OF GAME PLAY! Take a different route. Or follow one of your own AP players and let them take the damage.

Remember this test was ONLY about armor. Add an AP gun to that AP armor and the deaths count will continue to grow.

If you have questions about how to buy AP or if your looking for other ways to earn AP then this forum post is for you...  In this post GirlycarDemon spells out your options to obtaining AP.

I learned two things from these tests. Well three. AP makes a difference but I think we all knew that before any of these tests took place. So what did I learn? The first thing would be, you tend to play differently when you have armor. Its easy to be more reckless... just running in and shooting, where without armor you would more often hold back waiting for a good shot. The other thing I learned... Tyrell is better at Wolf Team than I am.

Link to Case Study 1 - Bullet Count Study...